Here are some step-by-step instructions to help you pair your Outdoor Smart Plug with the Array By Hampton app. If you have already downloaded the Array By Hampton app and created an account, skip to Step 3.
Pairing Your Outdoor Smart Plug:
- Download the Array By Hampton app from the Play Store or App Store on your smart device.
- Create an Array By Hampton account by opening the app and selecting "Register."
- Connect your plug into an outlet, preferably one not far from your Wi-Fi router.
- From the home page in the app, click on the '+' symbol in the top right corner.
- You will receive a pop-up saying devices to be added; click on 'Go to add.'
- Click the '+' next to where it says "Bluetooth device."
- The Array By Hampton app automatically selects the Wi-Fi network you're connected to. To choose a different network, click on the grey symbol to the right of the Network name and select a 2.4 GHz network of your choice. Then, return to the app, and click "Next." NOTE: The Array Outdoor Smart Plug will only connect to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi Networks.
- The app will connect to the plug automatically.
- Once your plug is connected, you can rename it by clicking the pencil to the right of the preexisting name or click "Done" and change the name later.
If you followed the above instructions and have not been able to set up your plug, please open a Support Ticket by clicking here or call our Customer Care Team @ 800-850-5625.
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