There may be times when you will need to master reset your lock, for example, when you are pairing the Array lock to the app or possibly, after an update of the firmware. When that time comes, the steps below will guide you through how to do it.
NOTE: Anytime you Master Reset your lock, you will also need to "Hand" the lock so it knows which direction the bolt needs to move to lock and unlock.
- Start with the door open and the deadbolt in the unlocked position.
- Take the battery cover off and remove the battery.
- Press and hold the "H" button on the exterior of your deadbolt while putting the battery back in.
- Hold both the battery and the "H" button until the beeping has stopped.
- While maintaining pressure on the battery, slide the battery cover back on. (NOTE: It's essential that you DO NOT lose pressure on the battery while sliding the battery cover back on. However, if you do lose pressure on the battery or let go of the "H" button at any time, you will need to start over.
- Once you have completed a master reset, slide the keypad cover-up; the keypad will be flashing.
- Press either the 6 or 0, whichever is closest to the edge of the door.
- The bolt will extend, retract, and extend again.
NOTE: If the keypad is NOT flashing, you will need to perform the Master Reset again.
For help pairing your lock to the app, please see INITIAL SETUP INSTRUCTIONS.